Review of Home Business Bootcamp Training offered by Worldprofit's Home Business Experts

George Kosch welcomed participants to the LIVE interactive training

This interactive training is offered to you every week and is included in your Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Membership. New Members are reminded that if you get LOST in the Member area, you can always click on TRAINING on the TOP menu to get back to the training lessons. Also you are urged to get a Notebook and write down important information. The LIVE home business bootcamp training offered EVERY week compliments the online lesson plans. Follow the online lesson plans, then attend the LIVE training on Friday mornings so you can ask questions and get demonstrations. The LIVE training sessions are also recorded so don't worry if you cannot attend the LIVE sessions the recordings are posted to the Training section. George Kosch started by offering some updates relevant to Monitors that have been added to make things easier for new members Updates relevant to ALL Members - A new Silver Member presentation has been recorded by George Kosch to introduce free Associate members to the services and training offered by Worldprofit and included in our Silver Membership. -New INSTANT SALES Pages just added to the AD EXAMPLES section in the ADVERTISING /TRAFFIC area. These landing pages are for signing up free Associate members, and also for sales of Worldprofit Advertising Packages and for giveways of Dr. Lant's new book "Net Profits", and Sandi Hunter's Ebook, "Internet Marketing For Newbies." -The SEARCH feature added recently to your Worldprofit Member area is proving very popular with Members. Use it to search by key word(s) for software, tools and resources to help you build your online business. Members are telling us they appreciate this search feature as they are realizing there is far more included in their Membership then they first thought, and by searching they have been able to save money by finding already INCLUDED in their Membership instead of buying them elsewhere. Some tools not included in your Membership are offered at a discounted exclusive rate or bundled package available only to Worldprofit Members. If you can't find what you are looking for using the SEARCH tool, just submit a Support form for further help. -George expressed appreciation to the Monitors who are covering time in the Live Business Center. For anyone interested in volunteering to be a Monitor, contact Dr. Lant when you see him in the Member area tell him you are interested. It's a great way to learn about online marketing, meet some terrific entrepreneurs, and snag some really awesome perks for your commitment of time. -An OFFERS WALL has been integrated to the GOODY BAG for free Associate Member area as well as for Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members. Advanced Training Segment Discussion: How to earn MORE money (higher commissions) from your online marketing efforts. Related Demonstrations: FastCash Money Maker Program (turn key sites already set up for you - you just promote them to earn 100% commission) INCLUDED in your Worldprofit Membership. Money Makers Kit: Hand picked products you can promote to keep all the commissions offered by the various recommended vendors. INCLUDED in your Worldprofit Membership. CB Promo Kit: This is a treasure chest of hot, in demand products that sell well. We provide you with the promotion materials, and you can easily cloak your link and press SEND. Commissions you earn from the sales are all yours. INCLUDED in your Worldprofit Membership. Cool Tools This is a very unique section of your Member area, it includes products and services we recommend as excellent options for earning high rates of commission. Some of these vendors do require that you purchase their product or service to sell it but then you earn commissions from 50 - 100%. The commission rate is set by the Vendor not by Worldprofit. Worldprofit Bonus Builder Give away products to people as incentives when they PURCHASE whatver it is you are selling. Use this to close deals, and increase your sales. Everyone loves a deal or a bonus. Off your prospects these free giveaways when they make a purchase and you get happier customers and MORE sales! This is a very EASY to use program that is UNDER-UTILIZED by so many of you- and it's INCLUDED in your Membership! PLR Store: Platinum VIP Members have the PLR Store installed on your site so you can promote and keep ALL commissions for sales of those products. Remember! It takes time to learn about these products and how to maximize your benefits by using them so take your time, learn as you go. We teach you how to build your own cusccesful online business and that is a marathon not a sprint. Don't expect instant results. Follow Worldprofit's training and you will understand how to use these to make consistent income from a variety of reputable sources. Featured Question What is link cloaking and why do I need to do that? Answer: Cloaking allows TRACKING which is so important for analyizing your advertising results. Specifically it allows your Worldprofit AD tracker to track and report to you on your advertising results. Both the Link Cloaker and the Basic Ad Tracker are INCLUDED in your Membership. Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE training session today. If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over two million people worldwide who already are! Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training.

Republished with author's permission by Simon Halliday:


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