Review of LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch

George Kosch started the home business bootcamp training by.... George thanked the Worldprofit Monitors for your commitment of time! All members of Worldprofit's home business community benefit from your ongoing commitment to helping others while you build your own online business. George then switched gears to dig right into the training portion of the bootcamp. George asked, "Are you promoting your website?" Stop! You are wasting your time! Landing pages are what you should be promoting NOT your website. When it comes to marketing, understand that your website is for SEARCH ENGINES and general interest and branding. Landing pages are for lead generation. We've provided you with ready made landing pages! We've provided you with a Landing Page Builder if you want to make your own for any and all your affiliate programs. We've provided you with an easy to use Ebook creation tool so you can offer your ebooks as incentives on your Landing pages. Landing pages generate leads and if you include optins, also build your email marketing list. Leads and list building is what brings sales. DEMONSTRATION: Ebook creation George created an Ebook from start to finish LIVE using only Worldprofit INCLUDED tools. Tricks to Video Marketing Success - a new Ebook created before your eyes! No writing required! No software to purchase. No graphic design skills required. Then George added the newly created ebook as a Give Away incentive on a Landing page. The final step demonstrated, was how to EASILY add OPTIN boxes for your external lists such as Aweber to your Landing page. Now all of the above is easy! Even for beginners. For the ADVANCED members, George also covered how to embed form code to your landing pages using the Landing Page Builder. Yet another option is Squeeze Page Ninja for the more advanced members, that software does involve a cost. Discussion how to load and publish your newly created Ebook to Amazon. George will be creating a specific video on how to do this. George Kosch invited questions thoughout the program to address specific questions from Members. Updates: Members will notice a new MENU has been added for your convenience. In your Member area on the RIGHT column scroll down the page to see a section called ADVANCED LINKS. We found that many of you were missing important sections so we took some of the important links and added them there. Worldprofit has released an updated website at that includes more live feed and social media content. Resources referenced today: DropBox (it's your friend, it's free, get an account, highly recommended) Google Chrome (recommended browser) FireFox (recommended browser) Worldprofit's Landing page builder (included in your Worldprofit Membership) Worldprofit's Ebook Cover Creator (included in your Worldprofit Membership) Worldprofit's Ebook Builder (included in your Worldprofit Membership) Squeeze Page Ninja Worldprofit's Lazy Blogger (included in your Worldprofit Membership) Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with instructor George Kosch. The recorded verion will be posted within 24 hours to your Worldprofit Member area, on TOP MENU select TRAINING. The next LIVE interactive training session is Friday (EVERY Friday Worldprofit offers LIVE interactive training for the benefit of members so they can get demonstrations, ask questions and more). You can be a part of the training offered at Worldprofit. Sign up for a free Worldprofit Associate membership and see for yourself why after 20+ years in business we are the #1 popular choice for learning how to earn at home using the power of the Internet.

Republished with author's permission by Simon Halliday


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